Technical Session A: Algorithms
Temporal Blocking for the First/Second-Order Acoustic Wave Equations Using Wavefront Diamond Multicore Parallelism
Authors: Long Qu (KAUST), Rached Abdelkhalek (NVIDIA), Hatem Ltaief (KAUST), and David Keyes (KAUST)
Mixed Precision Tile Low-Rank MVM with Matrix Reordering for Seismic Redatuming
Authors: Yuxi Hong (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Matteo Ravasi (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Hatem Ltaief (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), and David Keyes (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
JavaSeis Cloud: A Cloud-Native Framework for Seismic I/O
Authors: Chuck Mosher (MoMacMo Limited), Sanjay Sood (MoMacMo Limited), Robert Ferguson (University of Calgary) and Jacob Mish (University of Calgary)
Technical Session B: System Architectures
The STX Processor – Hardware Acceleration for RTM
Authors: Franz-Josef Pfreundt (Fraunhofer) and Jens Krüger (Fraunhofer)
Distributed Data Management Scheme For Large-Scale Simulations
Author: Vadim Dyadechko (ExxonMobil)
Gaia-X: A Glance at Europe’s Vision of a Federated and Secure Data and Compute Infrastructure
Technical Session C: Optimization & Performance & Programming
Performance Portability of Oil and Gas Simulations on Multicore and GPU Architectures
Hydrofracking: Cracking the Problem
Authors: Vadim Dyadechko (ExxonMobil), Greeshma Gireesh (ExxonMobil), Varun Gupta (ExxonMobil), Akriti Sharma (ExxonMobil), Ting Song (ExxonMobil), Dakshina Valiveti (ExxonMobil), Jagannath Venkatesan (ExxonMobil)
GEOSX: An Open-Source Reservoir Simulator Targeting Exascale Systems
Author: Randolph Settgast (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Scientific Machine Learning for Full-Field Predictions Using HPC Servers
Authors: Santi Adavani (RocketML), Sergio Botelho(RocketML), Vinay Rao(RocketML), Aditya Balu (Iowa State University), and Baskar Ganapathysubramanian (Iowa State University)
Benchmarking Considerations for Current Energy HPC Systems
Authors: Mauricio Araya-Polo (TotalEnergies), and Jie Meng (TotalEnergies)