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**NOTE: Sponsorship is full. Please complete the form above or email to be added to our wait list in case a sponsorship slot opens.**
The 2022 Energy HPC Conference will be held in the BioScience Research Collaborative at Rice University on March 1-3, with the exhibit hall open March 1-2. Breakfast, lunch, breaks, and receptions will be taking place in the exhibit hall. The exhibition times and networking receptions are when the most foot traffic will be in the exhibit hall. The building features convenient underground garage parking and a large exhibit area for our sponsors.
Sponsor set up is scheduled for Monday afternoon (2/28) and early Tuesday morning (3/1). Breakdown Wednesday late afternoon once the conference ends.
Click here to view the Sponsorship Prospectus: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze
Bronze Level Sponsorship ($4,500)
- 5 conference registrations
- Parking validations for booth personnel
Exhibit Table:
- 30″ round cocktail table display, black tablecloth, and two bar stools.
- All display locations are “one-sided” with attendee traffic limited to one side of the table.
- Tabletop displays (not to exceed four feet in height, measured from the table top) can be used.
- The 30” round table can be removed from the floor to accommodate a floor-standing display. The floor display must fit within the footprint of the table and not exceed seven feet in height.
Promotional Opportunities:
- Company name on the conference pop-up banner.
- Company name on back side of the conference printed program.
- Company logo with link on the sponsor’s page on the conference website.
- Company logo on conference email communications.
- Company name on the conference registration homepage.
- A list of attendee information including name, company, title, and email for those that opt in to receiving sponsor communication:
- Preliminary list sent shortly before the conference to see who will be in attendance. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- Final list sent at the conclusion of the conference. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- 1st reach out of bronze sponsorship selection for 2023.
Silver Level Sponsorship ($6,500)
- 10 conference registrations
- Parking validations for booth personnel
Exhibit Table:
- 5 ft. x 2.5 ft. premium exhibit table display, black tablecloth, and two chairs.
- All display locations are “one-sided” with attendee traffic limited to one side of the table.
- Tabletop displays (not to exceed four feet in height, measured from the table top) can be used.
- The 5 ft table can be removed from the floor to accommodate a floor-standing display. The floor display must fit within the footprint of the table and not exceed seven feet in height.
Promotional Opportunities:
- Company name on the conference pop-up banner.
- Company name on back side of the conference printed program.
- Company logo with link on the sponsor’s page on the conference website.
- Company logo on conference email communications.
- Company name on the conference registration homepage.
- A list of attendee information including name, company, title, and email for those that opt in to receiving sponsor communication:
- Preliminary list sent shortly before the conference to see who will be in attendance. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- Final list sent at the conclusion of the conference. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- 1st reach out of silver sponsorship selection for 2023.
Gold Level Sponsorship ($12,000)
- 15 conference registrations
- Parking validations for booth personnel
Exhibit Table:
- 10 ft. x 2.5 ft. premium exhibit table display, black tablecloths, and four chairs.
- All display locations are “one-sided” with attendee traffic limited to one side of the table.
- Tabletop displays (not to exceed four feet in height, measured from the table top) can be used.
- One or both 5 ft tables can be removed from the floor to accommodate a floor-standing display. The floor display must fit within the footprint of the table and not exceed seven feet in height.
Promotional Opportunities:
- Rights to display your Company pop-up banner outside the main auditorium. Banner must be provided by the sponsor, it may not exceed 7 ft. x 3 ft., and it must be freestanding.
- Full color, ½ page, interior ad in the conference printed program. Ad provided by the sponsor.
- Rotating logo presence on the conference webpages in the side banner.
- Company logo on the conference pop-up banner.
- Company logo on back side of the conference printed program.
- Company logo with link on the sponsor’s page on the conference website.
- Company logo on conference email communications.
- Company name on the conference registration homepage.
- A list of attendee information including name, company, title, and email for those that opt in to receiving sponsor communication:
- Preliminary list sent shortly before the conference to see who will be in attendance. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- Final list sent at the conclusion of the conference. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- 1st reach out of gold sponsorship selection for 2023.
Platinum Level Sponsorship ($20,000) – Limit 3
- 20 conference registrations
- Parking validations for booth personnel
Exhibit Table:
- 10 ft. x 2.5 ft. premium exhibit table display, black tablecloths, and four chairs.
- All display locations are “one-sided” with attendee traffic limited to one side of the table.
- Tabletop displays (not to exceed four feet in height, measured from the table top) can be used.
- One or both 5 ft tables can be removed from the floor to accommodate a floor-standing display. The floor display must fit within the footprint of the table and not exceed seven feet in height.
Promotional Opportunities:
- Increase your company’s visibility with your company branded lanyard. Each attendee will be given a lanyard to use with their name badge, distributed evenly between platinum sponsors. Sponsor to supply company branded lanyards (amount dependent on number of platinum sponsors). Please note this sponsorship is available for up to three companies.
- Your company’s logo featured on guest tables through the Exhibit Hall (approximately 10 tables). L-frame signs provided by conference organizers.
- Company can display flyers (up to 8.5” x 11”) on the registration table. Flyer provided by the sponsor.
- Rights to display your Company pop-up banner outside the main auditorium. Banner must be provided by the sponsor, it may not exceed 7 ft. x 3 ft., and it must be freestanding.
- Full color, full page, interior ad in the conference printed program. Ad provided by the sponsor.
- Rotating logo presence on the conference webpages in the side banner.
- Company logo on the conference pop-up banner.
- Company logo on back side of the conference printed program.
- Company logo with link on the sponsor’s page on the conference website.
- Company logo on conference email communications.
- Company name on the conference registration homepage.
- A list of attendee information including name, company, title, and email for those that opt in to receiving sponsor communication:
- Preliminary list sent shortly before the conference to see who will be in attendance. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- Final list sent at the conclusion of the conference. Attendees from this list may be emailed only once.
- 1st reach out of platinum sponsorship selection for 2023.
Special Notes:
- All our sponsors will be required to review and agree to the Terms & Conditions.
- If you plan on sharing your sponsorship with another company you will need to provide us with one logo. We cannot combine two logos into one for you and we cannot display two logos separately. We are also not responsible for readability of your composite logo as space for your logo will be regulated by the level of sponsorship.
- It is very important that you provide us with one contact person for communication purposes. Please make sure this person is able to disseminate information to all relevant parties at your company (and any partners if a shared sponsorship). This is particularly important when it comes to logistical information. Occasionally, the people that are representing companies the day of the conference have not been given the logistical information prior to arriving. This can create miscommunication and confusion for everyone involved, so we ask that you please designate one person to be the main contact for your company.